Richard Stockdale
Orlando July 27, 2023 I was in Orlando recently. I love the US. I love the people. I love the optimism. I am always excited to go. As a kid, watching Knight Rider, the A A view on AI. April 17, 2023 There is the view that AI is just hype. No different to Crypto or Web3. I think this is wrong. I was going to write about this but I have just heard Books I read in 2022 January 4, 2023 I thought that this was a bad year for reading. Turns out it was not so bad and I read 18 books. Elizabeth Chadwick The Summer Queen The Autumn Write me a blog post about never getting round to writing a blog post and so getting a large language model to do it for me. December 11, 2022 It’s been said that the only thing harder than writing a blog post is actually finding the time to write one. But what if your blog post simply Road October 8, 2022 Encliffe-Park-Again October 8, 2022 Sunset-bones October 3, 2022 Sheffield-in-the-morning September 28, 2022 Sunset-Encliffe-Park September 27, 2022